What Time Is It Really?

We were supposed to “fall back” an hour yesterday. I just hate the change in time and I’m here to tell you, I have spent many hours trying to explain the changes to inmates or youth with handicapping conditions. I would always use the purported reasons for the changes: farmers needing an extra hour or sunlight; little kids not having to wait for the bus in the dark. Sometimes I’d even wander into the vernal and autumnal equinox (es?). In variably, they would listen with some degree of attentiveness and then inquire, “But what time is it really? And I would beg the Lord for one more measure of patience.

When I think about it, though, it’s a good question. And not just after a Daylight Saving Time Change (Kingdom of Heavenp.38; p.80).  Would my life be different if I got up every day and wondered what they kept asking: What time is it really? and if it is that time, What do I need to do?