Writings, Speeches, Awards

Scholarly Publications

Correctional Services for Inmates with Mental Retardation, The Right Thing to Do, Frontiers of Justice, Vol. II, 1998, Brunswick Maine” Biddle Publishing Company. http://www.biddle-audenreed.com/criminaljustice.html

Correctional services for inmates with mental retardation: Challenge or catastrophe? The Criminal Justice System and Mental Retardation, R.W. Conley, R Luckasson & G.N. Bouthilet (editors) http://www.amazon.com/Criminal-Justice-System-Mental-Retardation/dp/1557660700

Identifying and serving mentally retarded inmates. Journal of Prison and Jail Health, 1985 (5), 1 https://www.ncjrs.gov/app/Search/Abstracts.aspx?id=100202

Taking time to find the marigolds. Breakthrough,Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Retardation, Winter 1981, Reprinted by Down’s Syndrome news, July – August 1981.

Rebecca goes to school. Breakthrough, Tennessee Department of Mental health and Retardation, Fall 1980.

Nancy. Breakthrough, Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Retardation, Summer, 1979.

The Exceptional Family. Breakthrough, Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Retardation, Fall, 1978

Published Fiction

A Rainbow of Flowers, Kaleidoscope, Winter/Spring 1987.

A Rainbow of Flowers, Kaleidoscope, Reprinted Winter/Spring 1990.

Papers, Presentations and Speeches

Institutionally Based Programs for Offenders with Mental Retardation. Presented at A National Forum on Offenders with Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities, Columbus Ohio, June 4, 1990.

National Perspective: The Mentally Retarded Defendant/Offender in Correctional Programs.  Presented at Mental Retardation and the Criminal Justice Systems: A Symposium for Members of the Judiciary, State Government and the Legal and Forensic Professionals, Boston Massachusetts, May 2, 1990.

Career Development for Adult Offenders with Mental Retardation. Presented at the Fifth International Conference of the Division on Career Development, Council for Exceptional Children, Atlanta, Georgia, October 13, 1989.

Correctional Services for the Offender with mental Retardation, Challenge or Catastrophe? Presented at A presidential Forum on the Offender with Mental Retardation, President’s Committee on Mental Retardation, Bethesda, Maryland, September 13, 1989.

The Process of Training Handicapped Inmates. Presented at Correctional Training, Industries and Education Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 17, 1988.

The Mentally Retarded Offender. Presented at Second Annual Correctional Mental health Conference, Hartford, Connecticut, May 3, 1988.

A Model Program for Developmentally Disabled Offenders. Presented at American Correctional Association/national Instituted of Corrections Training Seminars on Mental Retardation and Severe Learning Disabilities. Phoenix Arizona, St. Louis, Missouri and Bethesda Maryland, Fall, 1987.

Correctional Education: Integrating Theory with Action. Presented at the Eighth District Conference, Correctional Education Association, Savannah, Georgia, March 24, 1987.

The Developmentally Disabled Client. Presented at the 1987 Mid-Winter Conference, Georgia Probation Association, Helen, Georgia, March 11, 1987.

Techniques for Managing the Combative and Aggressive Patient. Presented at Central State Hospital, Milledgeville, Georgia, February 10, 1987.

Differentiation Inmates who are Mentally Ill or Retarded from those who have Behavior Problems.  Presented at the Georgia Warden’s Association, Perry, Georgia, December 10, 1986.

Quality Corrections: Habilitation through Work. Presented to the Georgia Board of Corrections, Atlanta, Georgia, November 6, 1986.

Working with Inmates who are Mentally Ill or Retarded. Presented at the annual meeting of the Georgia Correctional Officer’s Association, Athens, Georgia, September 28, 1986.

Developing and Providing Services to Mentally Retarded Inmates.  Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern States Correctional Association, Savannah, Georgia, June 30, 1986.

A Comprehensive Program for Developmentally Disabled Offenders. Presented at A Quest for Excellence: Symposium on Activity Therapy, Columbus College Columbus, Georgia March 11, 1986

The Retarded Offender as a Legislative Priority: Why? Presented at the Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities Legislative Breakfast, Atlanta, Georgia, January 13, 1986.